
A packet is a group of symplr Provider Documents, Reports , Profiles, or attachments that are bundled together in symplr Provider so you can distribute them to one or more recipients with a single action. A packet may be reused or edited at any time as needed.

Some of the key characteristics of a packet are:

  • Only documents and reports generated by the same query may be added to the same packet.
  • Any profile may be added to the packet.
  • Any attachments in the Attachment Library may be added to the packet.
  • Packets can be sent to one or more symplr Provider users, user groups, or non-symplr Provider (external) users.
  • Packets may be configured and saved in symplr Provider for repeated use.

For example, you want to notify providers that their licenses are about to expire, and give them the supporting documentation on your organization's policies regarding current licensure. You decide to create a packet that contains a letter explaining the renewal process, and a PDF copy of the bylaws concerning provider licensing. You want to send the packet by email to only those providers whose licenses are about to expire.

To set up the packet, you first link it to a query that returns a list of all providers in the database whose licenses are about to expire. Next, you add the letter which is generated from this query and addresses each provider returned in the query results. Lastly, you add a PDF copy of the bylaws. When you are finished designing the packet, you save it so it can be reused or edited as needed.

Emailing the packet to each provider in the query results is simple since the query used to generate the list of providers is linked to the packet, and the query results contain the provider email addresses. When you run the packet, symplr Provider uses these email addresses to deliver it to each provider.

In this example, when the packet is run, three events occur:

  • symplr Provider identifies providers with licenses soon to expire
  • symplr Provider generates the letters addressed to each provider and the PDF copy of the bylaws
  • symplr Provider sends the packet to each provider's email address